Pete Hollands

Having a ball out here in Broadbeach.  For the first time Di and I have had to go up into the Open section.  In the pairs event that took place over three days, we saw us seated and our scores being compared with the likes of Ron Klinger and international players.  Very daunting.  We decided at the outset if we managed to get a score of 50% in one of the sessions we would regard it as success.  We just missed out with a 48% in our first qualifying session and then dipped down into the 30s!  So were were assigned to Final G and battled away down there for two days.  We gained momentum, managed over 50% in our second final session - but then really got into our stride clocking a massive 60% in the final session - with us bidding and making a grand slam on the very last board of the competition.  So from crawling along at the bottom of the final, we clawed our way up and were elated to have an 8th place finishing position.  

The teams got underway today.  We had a small win and a big win and then a small loss.  We went over to the table for our last match of the day and our opponents were not there but their system cards were.  We were stunned to find we were playing against Pete Hollands who does so much teaching work on YouTube and is an Australian International.  Of course we had to get a photo and of course we were annihilated!  But we loved every minute!  We were up in the dizzy realms of 35th spot after two rounds, but have now bounced down to 130th.  There are 212 teams competing - and that is just in the open section.  There are 12 rounds, so four more Wed and four on Thur.

Our big chance of a prize comes tomorrow on Wednesday as it is dress up day!  We have borrowed the mermaid costumes from the ladies from the Mount who won our Sixes costume competition and hope to wow the Judges.

Last night was trivia night - I had the pleasure of being on a team with some Matamata and Te Aroha players including one of my former students, Victor.  Many of our members know Peter of course who is a member of our club.  We all had a bit too much to drink, but came we think 4th so a good effort.


It is party, party, party - no evening play.  Hospitality events with teachers, a special night for Kiwis, eating out with friends in the evening and the dinner dance to look forward to Saturday night. 

This photo appeared in the bulletin - you will recognise Michael's wife Lori as one of the bridge widows.  They have an extensive programme of trips and activities for non-playing partners of bridge players. 


Every level of player competes here in a stunning venue in the light, airy conference centre with views across the river.  You really should to book to come over and join the fun next year!