Korea 1

Congratulations to Lucy and Mina Lee and Johnny Wong who graduated from lessons today.  In a collaborative initiative with English Language Partners, Cambridge, three more students have come through lessons and joined the club.  Lucy and Mina are sisters from South Korea.  Johnny is from Hong Kong and started his lessons with Kim, but then had to return to Hong Kong for several weeks.  He returned and completed the course in the Friday morning lessons. 


Clive Garrish, Mina's home tutor from ELP, came over to celebrate with his student.  Their achievement was warmly applauded by the regular Friday morning players who enjoyed a piece of carrot cake to celebrate the students' success. 

John China

We are sad to have farewelled John Zhang who graduated earlier this year and is returning to China.  He promises to come back in two years and rejoin us.  John has been an outstanding player since learning last year.  His mathematical skills made him a skilled player in a very short time.  John brought Lucy and Mina to the club from his ELP lesson.  He promises to keep in touch on BBO.