Time to sign up for Fairlands 2019

The annual battle with Te Awamutu bridge club for the Fairlands Trophy is planned for 17 March in Te Awamutu.  If you are available to play that afternoon (exact time to be confirmed), please sign the clipboard in the club rooms.  We are seeking members at any stage in their bridge career to take part.  Te Awamutu does not have as many members at the moment and it makes it more fun to pitch teams of similar abilities.

Monday and Wednesday teams

The themes for the two team events have been announced!

Monday night starting the 25th February. C for Cambridge. Using the letter C as a starter come up with some C ideas for dress up!

Wednesday night starting the 8th May  Dots and Spots.  

If you havn' t a team organised for either of these events start thinking now!  Clare can help if you are stuck for members.

Let the fun begin!

Partnership stewards-Email addresses.

Two of our partnership stewards email addresses are INCORRECT in the front of the Programme book.

They are CORRECT in the back of the book.

Monday Evening  Di Emms  4di.emms@gmail.com.  The full stop has been missed out in the front of the book.

Wednesday Evening  Margaret Oliver  mmoliver121@gmail.com

With apologies to our wonderful stewards and to you!

Cambridge hosts the first WAPs tournament of 2019 on Sunday 10 Feb

Do join us in the Cambridge club rooms for the first of the six competitions that makes up the Waikato Area Pairs.  Players of all levels are welcome.  There is a (small) monetary prize for the best non-Open pair as well as the overall winners on the day, as well as of course the coveted A point to play for each session!

Cambridge members attending are asked to bring something tasty along to share with our guests for morning tea.

All you need to bring is:

Wednesday night hosting

It is lovely to see a full room of people, enjoying their bridge, on Wednesday night.

BUT we need hosts for Wednesday nights so that anyone can turn up and be guaranteed with a game of bridge. 

This is a good opportunity to play with different people, and to get to know others in our club.  You also play for free (then or at another time if you are not needed)!

If you are able to host on a Wednesday, please put your name down on the clipboard at the club. It is much appreciated if you can help out in this manner. Thank you.
