How to Access Pianola Plus

With such a valuable tool at the disposal of all our members it is perplexing to hear reports of members' difficulty in accessing Pianola Plus. I (Michael) have been asked to write an article on causes that I have investigated and solved.

Never logged in. I can see on my Admin screen that a member has never actually set up a login with Pianola. There are two reasons for this:

P1  ... never been invited - a complete oversight by the club

P2 ... invitation not followed through to create a login

In either case if you need an invitation please ask. You cannot create a login without being invited.

Forgot your User-Name/Login

So you've clicked on the log in to Pianola button at top right of our web page OR on the link in one of those results emails that maybe you're getting and arrive here ... and then what? You'll see a handy "Forgot username or password" link that will solve your problem.


Alternatively you can ask an administrator to look up your record. IF you've created a username it will show on your personal profile:


After that you'll have to use the Forgot Password button as that information is not accessible to anyone other than Pianola itself.

Are we getting anywhere yet? Yes. Let's say you've finally managed to get in. Next trap is to make sure you're logged in to Cambridge ... not X-Clubs. Unless you bought Pianola Plus for yourself on X-Clubs you cannot access it there. It only works on the results you get at Cambridge. There is a facility to link your accounts if you wish to get from one "club" to the other. Ask an administrator if you're not sure how to do this.

When you get to Cambridge results you should see the red and blue trend lines for your card play and bidding accuracy. They are a sure sign that you can use Pianola Plus. If you've logged in straight from an email it should take you straight to the session the email was reporting. If you've logged in direct from, say our website, then you can choose any session .. maybe even from years ago .. by hovering over the little round node on the graph. It will bring up details as in:


You only need click on that node and it will deliver you to the result sheet where you'll find your partnership highlighted in blue. Click on that. It will take you to your Personal Score Sheet. If you then click on a Board Number you will finally get to see the friendly Replay This Hand box. Note the opening lead before clicking on this box and you'll be away.

Click here for excellent guidance on what it's all about - under the Plus tab there is a slide show you can click through. Below that is a video you can watch all about replaying a hand.

If YOU are struggling to get Pianola Plus working for you then I'm happy to assist if you'd like to contact me at or phone 021 179 7686. We'll get you going!

Michael Neels