MARCH  NEWSLETTER from Ian Moore - Club Captain

Junior Champion

Congratulations to our new Junior Champion Sue Keating – well done Sue! Sue was closely followed by Brian Graham-Smith in second and Ailsa Henderson third.  Thank you to all other Junior players who made the competition possible by ensuring we had more than the required number of tables (5) each night required throughout the series.

Cambridge Junior Tournament – Saturday 20th April 

To all Juniors – Get your entries in now (online or on the clipboard at the Club).

Come and play our tournament and pit your bridge skills against other juniors in the Waikato Bays, enjoy playing and meeting other bridge players in our region. Last year we had 16 tables - 64 players with only 12 of them from Cambridge – let’s do better this year Cambridge! Our Junior Tournament is the second in the Waikato Bays annual tournaments.

To all other club members we need your help with maintaining Cambridge’s reputation as the best providers of tournament food in the district. Please use the clipboard to register how and what you can help in the kitchen and providing food. 

Beginner Lessons 

These started four weeks ago on Tuesday evening (Kim and Anne) and Thursday morning (Pam and Josie). There are over 20 in both sessions and all are fully paid up participants.

Thanks to all our members who joined the Bridge Crawl, dropped mini-posters in letter boxes and encouraged friends and family to learn this great game. Thanks also to the helpers who come every week and sit at the table patiently explaining the intricacies of bidding and playing to our eager learners. 

Improver Lessons 

There are still opportunities for extra lessons to improve your bridge.  You are encouraged to attend even if you haven’t attended the previous lessons, no need to register - just turn up a bit before 7pm.

Nifty Novices 28th March What to lead

Jolly Juniors 4th April Signals and Discards

Intrepid Intermediates 11th April Cue Bids

Contact Clare: 021762543

Davids Emporium Back to the Future (B2F) Teams starting 17 April (Wednesday Night) 

Now is the time to make up your team for this popular event and be ready to enjoy the fun. 

Each team can only have 1 Open player or 2 Intermediates players so we are keen for all you juniors and novices to return to the club to help make up teams. If you are not in a team please contact the Ian Moore our club captain and he will help.  We are keen to organise as many teams as possible.

Ian Moore 0274706070 

Percentages removed from Bridgemates

This initiative is working well and will continue at our club sessions.