Drum roll.....2018 team themes are announced

We try and find a theme that is topical.

So topical and tropical, Monday night team theme will reflect this hot summer we are enjoying  - see if you can come as something RED HOT!

Wednesday night teams will reflect the fact that it is a Commonwealth Games year. So see if you can drum up something interesting from or about the COMMONWEALTH.

For those members who are new, we encourage teams to dress up in their theme team name at least on the last night of play. However we love it even more if you can come dressed up each week as it can be half the fun!  

Remember for Wednesday night teams, you can have a team with

4 Juniors or

3 Juniors with an Open player or

2 Juniors with 2 Intermediates 

If you need help finding a team, please let the partnership steward or Clare know as soon as possible and we will do our best to find you a team.   We also need subs sometimes so if you are around only part of the series and can be a sub any of the nights, again please let us know!