2018 WAPs kick off this Sunday 11 February in Cambridge

Yes, that's right! The first of the Waikato Area Pairs 2018 is this Sunday in our own club rooms.  We are looking forward to seeing as many of our members as possible. It is not just for open players.  There is always a prize for the best non-Open pair on the day as well as best junior and intermediate pairings with Open players for the series.  The WAPs is a marvelous way to develop your bridge and make a bridge partnership stronger. If you are learning the Nesting Pairs system, playing in the WAPs is an ideal practice ground.

You could also win your first A point, Winners of each section and session win an A point.

All you need do is to find a partner, show up by 9.45 and bring $10 and your lunch.  Easy peasy!

And if you are a Cambridge member, we ask that you to bring a plate of food to share for morning tea as we are the hosts this month.

If anyone could be a spare pair for the day in case we have odd numbers and can play so we don't have a phantom, please let Clare or Vicki know.

The 2018 WAPs programme is attached.

