Gold Coast Congress update

At the start of the week we congratulated Diane and Jane, who qualified for the top grouping in the Intermediate pairs.  They had a solid start in the E-W field scoring 58% and 56% respectively in the first two sessions finishing 5th E-W in the qualifying rounds.  They got off to a great start in the final but hit a few obstacles en route finishing 12th overall.

Meanwhile Mike played Swiss pairs, a different competition and finished in the top third, which was a pleasing result for him too.

All moved on to the grueling teams event (12 rounds over 3 days).  Jane and Di finished in top quarter. Meanwhile the Te Aroha team - yes Te Aroha furnished a team in the restricted section  - finished third overall.  Well done them!! Fabulous achievement! We can congratulate Anna and Tim in person when they come to play teams in Cambridge next week. 

The final event of the week was Swiss pairs and our Cambridge members showed stamina with Mike and Ella finishing 15th out of 118 in the Open section and Di and Jane finishing 16th in the restricted section.  

Well done to all our players for playing bridge to the best of their ability over the entire congress!