Monday night team prize categories

The David Emporium Team competition is buzzing.  The overall prize remains the same but this year we are introducing a small prize for each of the following:

  • The best non-Open team (ie no open players in team)
  • The best team with 1-2 Open players in it

And of course there is always the dress-up prize to play for on the final night.

Thank you for your patience on Monday night when things went awry the first round.  It does always pay to check the bridgemate after playing the first board that the hand on the bridgemate display matches what you played.  If we had done that, we would have quickly picked up on the error and been able to resolve the issue quite quickly. 

Looking forward to round 5 next week! And well done to the Cowboys and Cowgirls (Ann and Martin  Knox, Irenee and Margaret O) for achieving the highest score last night.