NEWSFLASH .. Treasurer Absconds to Peru with CCBC Table Money!!

sss... just kidding folks - it's in good hands and well under control. We're looking good with most accounts tanked up ready for 2021. There are a couple of dozen subs still to come in - a reminder that payment is requested by the end of January, please. We are pleased to make a MAJOR MAJOR Announcement here ...

Cambridge is the first club in the world to get a look at - a brand new website created from a standing start by Bob Fearn, programmer of Compass. Bob knew nothing of web programming when he started this project in the middle of 2020. Have a look. You'll need to create a login for yourself to see your Compa$$ account under the Cashless Bridge tab. Your account will be updated every weekend from now on as we process the weeks' bankings. Other clubs using Compa$$ will be offered this option too.

The main purpose of Bob's new site, however, is to deliver a National Grading System (NGS) - something that the Board of NZ Bridge has been wheel-spinning on for many years. You'll see the dear old XG ratings featured there too under the National Gradings tab. XG's are compiled from the results of playing X-Clubs boards at about half the clubs in New Zealand - strictly 40C-masterpoints simultaneous bridge. To develop his fully-fledged NGS Bob processed all results - from club and tournament play -submitted to NZB by Compass clubs, not all of whom play X-Clubs deals. The dataset is a little more random making the difference between XG's and NG's fairly marked in some cases. You can check out your own ratings on this site. NZB has just sent a letter to the English Bridge Union seeking their blessing on implementing Bob's NGS nationwide. When NZ has a proper NGS in place, it will open up lots of new possibilities in the areas of handicapping, ratings and tournaments. Maybe we'll see handicapped tournaments soon. As with any new tool, we'll have to learn to use it to best advantage.