Monday night David's Emporium teams fun!

The winning Charladies. 

The David's emporium teams event has finished. It was a closely fought competition with several teams vying for the top places during the last night. At the conclusion the Charladies took out First place, with the Creative Cooks in second and the Crazy clowns third.

The Christians took out the prize for the best team with only one open member and the Crazy Clowns the prize for the non open team.

Monday night team prize categories

The David Emporium Team competition is buzzing.  The overall prize remains the same but this year we are introducing a small prize for each of the following:

  • The best non-Open team (ie no open players in team)
  • The best team with 1-2 Open players in it

And of course there is always the dress-up prize to play for on the final night.


Sadly insufficient entry numbers mean that the fundraiser event on Sunday being hosted at Cambridge has been cancelled.

Many thanks from Nick and Jane to those players who were unable to attend but have kindly donated towards future Mini Moos novice projects.

Kay Walsh painting tender process.

At the Annual General Meeting in December it was agreed that, as the Kay Walsh painting no longer suited the decor of the clubrooms, it would be offered to club members  for sale by tender with a reserve of $500 (five hundred dollars).If the reserve is not met the painting will be offered for sale to the general public.


The painting will be on view at the Clubrooms from 1 March.



Cambridge, Te Aroha and Matamata were all imaginative in their entries to the costume competition.  We saw sights not seen before, including Peter Daffurn in fetching frock and oh what legs from the two boys. Their Kiwi on the Beach theme secured them runners up spot.  The jellyfish were highly commended and the mermaids with King Neptune were third.