Clare and Kevin through to the FINALs of Dan Gifford

Clare and Kevin have had a magical run this year in the National Rubber Competition. Normally played face-to-face at Congress, all regional matches have been played on BBO this year.

Our pair seem to have specialised in snatching the win on the last board of nearly every match they played and today was no exception. Playing Anthony Ker and Russell Dive of Wellington they sat in the office and the bar of the Hamilton club where several people (but nominally Michael who was scoring the Labour Weekend Congress) could keep an eye on them. Clare, convinced that Kevin was trying to throw the match and quite a long way behind with half a dozen deals to go, bid a desperate 6 Hearts which made, soon followed by a successful 6 Diamonds to level the scores up a bit. On the last board it was necessary to bid and make a game to win the match. Clare opened 1NT with 11 points, Kevin transferred to hearts then left Clare the choice of games by calling 3NT which became the final contract. As they sometimes do (but not all that often) things just played out magically and the win was theirs. Both were wildly excited.

The final for the Dan Gifford Trophy is supposed to take place no earlier than 4-Nov but Kevin leaves on the 5th for a month in the South Island. Arrangements are pending. Watch this space.