CCBC Clubrooms

Situated in the mid-section of Fort Street at number 14, between St John's Ambulance and The Cambridge Early Learning Centre.

General Information for All Sessions

The table money is $4 per game.  Compass, our scoring program, has a module Compa$$ to record members' attendance and debit table money from pre-paid accounts embedded in their records.

The annual subscription is $45. NZ Bridge-affiliated members from other clubs pay only $27 to enjoy the rights and privileges of full membership. We have no "Country Member" structure. Payment by internet banking (see below) is preferred.  Please identify the purpose of the payment clearly under "Payee's Details" and give your Computer Number and Name.  The Club's bank account number is 03-1568-0121010-000 with Westpac Cambridge.


CCBC Clubrooms


Fort St, Cambridge 3434


The building may also be approached via the large Council parking lot off Milicich Pl.

Map location

-37.896048428267, 175.47308939669


07 827 9392